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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Eduardo Ayala

Keeping the faith must also be a challenge for those who are alone in the Church, for those whose families are not converted, for those who have lost a companion, a spouse, or a child. Great courage is needed in order to continue onward, but we always have comfort from on high. - Eduardo Ayala, "We Have Kept the Faith," Ensign (CR) May 1995

The conditions of peoples and of nations change due to progress in the world; nevertheless, in many such places, be it in the frosty mountain heights, in the warm valleys, at the rivers’ edges, or in the desert places, wherever members of our church are found, there will always be those who live these basic principles, and by so doing they bless the rest of the people. Let us face our earthly challenges courageously in spite of where we live, or whatever difficult circumstances we may be called to endure. Let us keep the faith. - Eduardo Ayala, “We Have Kept the Faith,” Ensign (CR) April 1995

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: February 28, 2010