The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Dress & Appearance

"The Lord has told us that we can be beautiful, even like a temple. In 1 Corinthians he said, 'Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?.' 1 Cor. 3:16." — Keith W. Wilcox, "Look for the Beautiful," "Ensign," May 1985, p. 27

"As you clothe yourself modestly and groom yourself attractively, your ability to make wise choices will be enhanced. Prethink your decisions. Your body is a temple of God; honor it. Don't get caught in the squeeze of opposing pressures. Downward pressure to be worldly is contrary to the uplifting pressure to live in accord with the Lord's standards. Step aside from the squeeze and let the elevating power of the Lord lift you without restraint to your loftiest heights." — Russell M. Nelson, "Standards of the Lord's Standard-Bearers," "Ensign," Aug. 1991, p. 10

"I assure you that all Church standards, both those relating to moral conduct and those relating to dress and grooming, are the result of intense, prayerful consideration by Church leaders. Young adults whose clean-cut appearance demonstrates that they feel no need to follow after the pattern of the worldwhich often revels in filth and disorder and garish fadsand young men and young women who look like men and women, who have not succumbed to the morally destructive trend toward a unisex appearance in dress and grooming, are people living cheerful, orderly lives, devoted to improving their ability to serve God and their fellowmen." — Spencer W. Kimball, "Give the Lord Your Loyalty," "Ensign," Mar. 1980, p. 2

"Shakespeare had Polonius truly say, 'The apparel oft proclaims the man' Hamlet, act 1, sc. 3. We are affected by our own outward appearances; we tend to fill roles. If we are in our Sunday best, we have little inclination for roughhousing; if we dress for work, we are drawn to work; if we dress immodestly, we are tempted to act immodestly; if we dress like the opposite sex, we tend to lose our sexual identity or some of the characteristics that distinguish the eternal mission of our sex. Now I hope not to be misunderstood: I am not saying that we should judge one another by appearance, for that would be folly and worse; I am saying that there is a relationship between how we dress and groom ourselves and how we are inclined to feel and act. By seriously urging full conformity with the standards, we must not drive a wedge between brothers and sisters, for there are some who have not heard or do not understand. They are not to be rejected or condemned as evil, but rather loved the more, that we may patiently bring them to understand the danger to themselves and the disservice to the ideals to which they owe loyalty, if they depart from their commitments. We hope that the disregard we sometimes see is mere thoughtlessness and not deliberate." — Spencer W. Kimball, "Give the Lord Your Loyalty," "Ensign," Mar. 1980, p. 2, 4

"Let the sisters take care of themselves and make themselves beautiful, and if any of you are so superstitious and ignorant as to say this is pride, I can say that you are not informed as to the pride which is sinful before the Lord, you are also ignorant as to the excellency of the heavens, and of the beauty which dwells in the society of the Gods. Were you to see an angel, you would see a beautiful and lovely creature. Make yourselves like angels in goodness and beauty." — Brigham Young, "Journal of Discourses," 12:201-2

"How we act and dress reflects how we regard where we are and who we are. Let me demonstrate. One of the natural occurrences in missionary work is the change in new converts, especially little boys, young men, and fathers. When they go to Church meetings, they want to look like the missionaries. Now, that tells us a lot about the importance of looking like a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." - Harold G. Hillam, “Future Leaders,” Ensign CR, May 2000, p. 10

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