The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Ether 12:6

"When one hears the still small voice of the Spirit testifying that Jesus is the Christ, this kind of knowledge, for that person, is as valid as a mountain of so-called "scientific" evidence. That person really knows a truth. It affects his whole being. It affects all other kinds of knowledge that he may have." - A. Theodore Tuttle, "General Conference Reports," April 1966, p. 144

In keeping faith I hope you are able to know that there are some things that must be taken on faith; and that, in our insatiable quest for knowledge, always preparatory to and preliminary to gaining spiritual knowledge there is the exercise of faith." - Boyd K. Packer, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," [Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1991], p. 148

"Profound spiritual truth cannot simply be poured from one mind and heart to another. It takes faith and diligent effort. Precious truth comes a small piece at a time through faith, with great exertion, and at times wrenching struggles. The Lord intends it be that way so that we can mature and progress. Moroni said, 'Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith' (Ether 12:6)." - Richard G. Scott, "Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge," Ensign, Nov. 1993, p. 88

"A broken-hearted mother prays and mourns over a wayward son. In spite of her fasting and prayers, the young man continues on his wayward course. I am concerned about both the son and the mother, because they tell me they are sour on prayer. A brother who is faithful in the Church-paying his tithing, serving in the Church, and attending the temple-experiences failure in his marriage. He can't understand why the Lord doesn't get his wife to change. He tells me he prays for this every day. These are just two examples of individuals who felt that their prayers were not answered promptly or properly. "Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." (Ether 12:6.) Joseph Smith said, "We are looked upon by God as though we were in eternity. God dwells in eternity, and does not view things as we do." ("Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith," p. 356.) God sees things from an eternal perspective-not as we view things." - Marvin J. Ashton, "Know He Is There," Ensign, Feb. 1994, p. 53-54

"Someday, maybe years after the trial of our faith, we will receive a witness that our decisions were right. (See Ether 12:6.) But until then, those who try to live in tune with the promptings of the Spirit must exercise no small degree of faith and courage in following that Spirit." - Ardeth G. Kapp, "Just the Two of Us-for Now," Ensign, Feb. 1989, p. 22

A testimony is fortified by spiritual impressions that confirm the validity of a teaching, of a righteous act, or of a warning of pending danger. Often such guidance is accompanied by powerful emotions that make it difficult to speak and bring tears to the eyes. But a testimony is not emotion. It is the very essence of character woven from threads born of countless correct decisions. These choices are made with trusting faith in things that are believed and, at least initially, are not seen. – Richard G. Scott, “The Power of a Strong Testimony,” Ensign (CR) November 2001

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