"Be not faithless, but believe in Jehovah, he whose finger wrote upon
the tablets of stone amid the thunders of Sinai, 'Thou shalt have no
other gods before me.' (Exodus 20:3) The Decalogue, which is the basis
of all good law governing human relations, is the product of his
divine genius. As you look upon the vast body of legalisms designed to
protect men and society, pause and know that it has its roots in those
few brief and timeless declarations given by the all-wise Jehovah to
Moses." — Gordon B. Hinckley, "Be Thou an Example," [Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book Co., 1981], p. 74
"Idolatry is among the most serious of sins. There are unfortunately
millions today who prostrate themselves before images of gold and
silver and wood and stone and clay. But the idolatry we are most
concerned with here is the conscious worshiping of still other gods.
Some are of metal and plush and chrome, of wood and stone and fabrics.
They are not in the image of God or of man, but are developed to give
man comfort and enjoyment, to satisfy his wants, ambitions, passions
and desires. Some are in no physical form at all, but are intangible."
— Spencer W. Kimball, "The Miracle
of Forgiveness," [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969], p. 58
"Traveling over the country as I do, I recall an experience I had not
too long ago when I went into a certain hotel. A group of men sat down
around a table. They were business men. The first individual made a
statement. What did he do first? He took the name of the Lord in vain.
The individual there who answered his question and gave him the
information he wanted, what did he do? He took the name of the Lord in
vain, too. But in the Church of Jesus Christ, brethren and sisters, we
never use the name of the Lord unless we are going to talk to Him, and
in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. That is the only time we use
those two names." — Joseph L.
Wirthlin, "The Kingdom of God is Righteousness," "BYU Speeches of the
Year," 1960, p. 6
"Since the resurrection of the Savior on the first day of the week,
this day has been commemorated as the Lord's day, or the one day in
seven on which man should rest from his labors. But Sunday is more
than a day of rest from the ordinary occupations of the week. It is
not to be considered as merely a day of lazy indolence and idleness or
for physical pleasures and indulgences. It is a feastday for your
spirit bodies. The place of spiritual feasting is in the house of
worship. Here you find fellowship with those who like yourselves are
seeking spiritual nourishment. You are enjoined to sing and pray and
pay your devotions to the Most High, and partake of the holy sacrament
as a reminder of your obligations as a son or daughter of God here in
mortality and in remembrance of the atonement of the Savior and to
pledge again your loyalty to his name." —
Harold B. Lee, "Decisions for Successful Living," [Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book Co., 1973], p. 146
"I gave a talk on Mother's Day to four or five hundred M-Men and
Gleaners. I told them: 'Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy
days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.'
(Ex. 20:12) I finished with this thought, and I would like to leave
the thought with you: The parents that you should honor more than any
others are the parents of your children-to-be. Those children are
entitled to the best parents that it is possible for you to give
them-clean parents. I am so thankful that when I found Sally Merrill I
found a girl who could go to the temple with me, and a girl who had
lived so that she could look her five daughters in the face and expect
them to live the way they should, knowing that she had." —
Nathan Eldon Tanner, "My Experiences and Observations," "BYU Speeches
of the Year," 1966, p. 10
"Simple words—and not much temptation to break this commandment, you
may add. But to clarify, in our day the Lord added, 'Thou shalt not...
kill, nor do anything like unto it.' (D&C 59:6) Do you think he
could foresee our time, when mankind would disregard reverence for
life and authorize abortion on a massive scale throughout the world?
Of course he could. That is why he warned us again. Few acts could
bring guilt and sorrow quite so surely as the shedding of innocent
blood, regardless of the age of the victim. We need this counsel
today, perhaps more than ever before." -- Russell M. Nelson, "The
Power within Us," [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1988], p. 129
"Was there ever adultery without dishonesty? In the vernacular, the
evil is described as "cheating." And cheating it is, for it robs
virtue, it robs loyalty, it robs sacred promises, it robs
self-respect, it robs truth. It involves deception. It is personal
dishonesty of the worst kind, for it becomes a betrayal of the most
sacred of human relationships and a denial of covenants and promises
entered into before God and man. It is the sordid violation of a
trust. It is a selfish casting aside of the law of God; and like other
forms of dishonesty its fruits are sorrow, bitterness, heartbroken
companions, and betrayed children." -- Gordon B. Hinckley, "Be Thou an
Example," [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1981], p. 44
"One reason for the decline in moral values is that the world has
invented a new, constantly changing, and undependable standard of
moral conduct referred to as 'situational ethics.' Now individuals
define good and evil as being adjustable according to each situation;
this is in direct contrast to the proclaimed God-given absolute
standard: 'Thou shalt not!'—as in 'Thou shalt not steal' (Exodus
20:15)." -- David B. Haight, "A Light unto the World," [Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book Co., 1997], p. 162
"A plea to constrain the use of truth provides no justification for
lying. The principles of love, unity, righteousness, and mercy do not
condone falsehood. The Lord commanded, 'Thou shalt not bear false
witness' (Ex. 20:16), and he has not revoked that command. When truth
is constrained by other virtues, the outcome is not falsehood but
silence for a season. As the scriptures say, there is 'a time to keep
silence, and a time to speak.' (Eccl. 3:7)" -- Dallin H. Oaks, "The
Lord's Way," [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1991], p. 194
"In the Ten Commandments, the last one is a great sermon to this great
world of ours, and if we are ever going to have peace and if we are
ever going to do away with war and contention, then we must put our
lives in line with that tenth Commandment: 'Thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his
manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything
that is thy neighbor's.' (Exodus 20:17) If we could but do that!" —
Nicholas G. Smith, "Conference Report," October 1945, p. 58
Ten Commandments are still a basic part of God’s way of life and a
basic part of the gospel of the kingdom. The way we live and respect
the Lord and his commandments in the home has a relationship to the
degree of glory that we will merit in the hereafter. If all mankind
would live the Ten Commandments, we would have self-respect, peace,
love, and happiness on this earth. – Bernard
P. Brockbank, “The
Commandments,” Ensign (CR) November 1971